Eiropas Arodbiedrību konfederācijas prioritātes

Eiropas Arodbiedrību konfederācijas prioritātes sociālai Eiropai:
1. Ekonomika cilvēkiem nevis cilvēki ekonomikai.
2.Demokrātija dzīve un darbā.
3.Sociālo pamatstandartu īstenošana:
1) pamattiesību darbā ievērošana;
2) sociāla dempinga izbeigšana;
3) sociālā progresa panākšana.
Vairāk angļu valodā:
The ETUC’s priorities for Social Europe are:
A. An economy that serves the people, rather than people serving the economy.
– We demand investment for employment and quality jobs.
– Fundamental social rights must have precedence over economic freedoms.
– We demand policies for a sustainable future.
B. Democratic values and democracy at work.
– Social dialogue and collective bargaining must be strengthened across Europe
– We want greater workplace and industrial democracy.
– We call for social partner involvement in employment and social policy-making at all levels.
C. A base of minimum social standards.
– We demand a framework of labour and social rights that aims to achieve social progress.
– We demand an end to social dumping.
– We want fair and equal treatment for all workers, without discrimination.

Iepriekšējā ziņa Laimīgu Jauno gadu!

Bruņinieku iela 29/31, Rīga, LV-1001

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